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Source of funds: 11th EDF (CRIS ref: 39384)

Decision date: 30/11/2016 (FED/2016/039-384)

Total budget: 32 MEUR

Implementation period: 60 months as of the date of entry into force of the FA

Implementing Agency: ECOWAS, WAEMU, GiZ, LuxDev, NTU

Geographical Area: West Africa


The Action's specific objective is to improve regional governance of the energy sector in order to consolidate

the foundation to enable West African states to achieve the three objectives of SE4ALL 2030 strategy: 1)Ensuring universal access to modern energy services; 2) Doubling energy efficiency; 3) Doubling the share of

renewables in the global energy mix.

Expected Results:

The expected results are:

1) the establishment of a policy framework, and strategic planning at the regional


2) the harmonisation of institutional, legislative and regulatory frameworks to encourage domestic

investments primarily in renewable energy, energy efficiency and universal access to modern energy;

3)further development of the regional electricity market by promoting primarily energy efficiency and other

renewables in the energy mix; and 4) capacity building of key sector players so that they can be more

effective in fulfilling their mission.

Main Activities:

· Regional Energy Policy Update, Strategic Analysis; Action plan, Reports Distribution; WAPP Masterplan;

Establishment of the regional energy database Information System for West Africa Energy (ISWAE);

· Creation of renewable energy corridors, institutional and regulatory framework of standards and certifications in RE & EE in buildings;

· National Variations of the regional energy policy; Standards and certifications in RE comprising bio-energy workshops; Standards and certification in EE in buildings workshops;

· Creation of a unified electricity market; Regulation of the unified electricity market; Operation and management of the unified electricity market; Support to the development of RES;

· Technical assistance; Development of market regulation; various trainings in RE & EE; developing the regionalisation of CERMI; Strengthening WAPP stakeholders; various studies, seminars, workshops,

visibility/communication; making the various studies available to the countries and EUDs.

Main Accomplishment to date:

· The AGoSE Global TA, awarded to NTU in May 2018, is ongoing and has so far delivered on the update of the policy; developed an outline of the Electricity Code; supported the launch of the

electricity trading and continues to provide capacity building training/workshops to the ECOWAS MS entities in the sector.

· The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting took place on 16 Sep, 2019. The Beneficiary participated in the GTT meetings, which took place on 17-18 Sep, 2019. On both events, emphasis was given to the slow pace in which the programme is progressing and the need to speed up the pace.



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