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Cooperation between regional institutions: UEMOA study visit to the ECOWAS development partners coordination Cell

Press Release                                                                                    

Strengthening the partnership: UEMOA study visit to the ECOWAS development partners coordination unit


As part of strengthening ECOWAS-UEMOA Cooperation, a delegation from the Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (EU-MOA) is carrying out a study mission to the Directorate of External Relations of the ECOWAS, more precisely with the ECOWAS Development Partners Coordination Unit (EDPCC), from June 10 to 13, 2024.


This study mission aims to share experiences and  good practices between the structures of the two institutions responsible for coordinating and implementing programs financed with external resources. It will also allow discussions on the opportunity and modalities of establishing a coordination mechanism with the national structures responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of operations using external resources, replacing the West African Network Support Units for National Authorizing Officers of the European Development Fund (ROAC-FED); define the contours and methodology of the capitalization and consolidation workshop planned for July 2024 relating to the programs financed under the EDF; ensure the consolidation and collection of documents produced as part of the implementation of the 10th and 11th EDF RIP at the level of the two Commissions.


During the opening ceremony, Mr. Jérôme Boa welcomed the participants and indicated that this mission is part of the revitalization of coordination, resource mobilization, implementation mechanisms and projects financed by donors.

 He also added that these ongoing exercises will facilitate good synergy of actions between ECOWAS, UEMOA and development partners for the proper implementation of the regional integration agenda.


Mr. Arnaud Cédric KIEMA, Director of Cooperation at the UEMOA commission, thanked the ECOWAS Commission through its External Relations Directorate for the warm reception. He added that ECOWAS and UEMOA maintain very fruitful cooperation materialized by a cooperation agreement signed since 2004 for the creation of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS). The JTS therefore made it possible to strengthen cooperation and assist in the implementation of regional integration.


According to the Director of Cooperation, this study and experience-sharing mission will finally make it possible to revitalize ECOWAS-UEMOA cooperation and benefit from the experience of the Department of External Relations in the implementation of a Project Coordination Unit for Development Partners in UEMOA, such as it was implemented by the  ECOWAS External Relations Directorate through the EDPCC


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