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Niger: Workshop on the ECOWAS Policy Framework

Niger: Opening of a training workshop on the ECOWAS Policy Framework for Security Sector Reform and Governance

A training workshop opened on Monday, October 17, 2022 in Niamey, Republic of Niger.The main objective of this four-day training is to facilitate the dissemination and promote awareness of the ECOWAS Policy Framework for Security Sector Reform and Governance (SRSG), as mandated by theAuthority of Heads of State and Government.The ECOWAS training workshops on security sector reform and governance, organized by the African Security Sector Network (ASSN/ASSN) are part of the ECOWAS Peace and Security Architecture and Operations Project.ECOWAS (EPSAO), co-financed by the European Union and the German Government.

One of the strategic objectives of the said project is to promote the dissemination and awareness of the ECOWAS policy framework for SSRG and support Member States in their efforts to ensure effective, transparent security sectors.and accountable, but also rooted in democratic norms and principles.Before Niger, the training was rolled out in five other pilot countries largely reflecting the political and linguistic diversity of the region, namely Guinea-Bissau, Gambia, Senegal, Liberia and Nigeria.The opportunity is now given to Nigerien actors in security institutions, oversight bodies and civil society organizations to reflect together on ways to further anchor human security at the center of security sector governance.

Les thématiques-clés qui seront abordées tout au long de l’atelier de formation incluent entre autres, le cadre institutionnel de la gouvernance de la sécurité au Niger, la place du genre dans la lutte contre l’extrémisme violent (CVE) au Niger, ou le contrôle budgétaire du secteur de la sécurité par le parlement. Les leçons et perspectives tirées des expériences d’autres pays tels que le Togo, le Mali, le Burkina Faso, la Côte d’Ivoire et le Bénin seront également abordés sous l’angle d’un dialogue régional pour la lutte contre le terrorisme et l’extrémisme violent dans le Sahel. Ouvrant la série des allocutions, le Colonel-Major Mahamadou Magagi, Directeur du Centre Na- tional d’Etudes Stratégiques et de Sécurité(CNESS), a rappelé les efforts appréciables réalisés par le Niger pour maintenir une stabilité relative. Il a cependant souligné qu’à l’instar de nom- breux pays engagés dans un processus de RSS, des défis restent à relever pour pérenniser les acquiset parvenir à une sécurité humaine durable. M. Magagi a également annoncél’élaboration en cours de la Politique Nationale de Sécurité du Niger. Prenant la parole,la Présidente de l’African SecuritySector Network (ASSN),Dr Niagalé Bagayoko,a rappelé l’importance de la prise en comptedu contexte local en matièrede RGSS et a invitéles partenaires internationaux à accompagner le Niger dans une mise en œuvre des poli- tiques allant dans le sens de cette approche. Pour sa part, l’Ambassadeur d’Allemagne au Niger, S.E.M. Nicolaï Herman, a souligné l’oppor- tunité de cet atelierde formation, notant« les âpres défis auxquelsfont face le Niger et l’ensem- ble de sous-région ouest-africaine ». Il a réitéré l’engagement de l’Allemagne à continuer d’ap- porter son soutienà la CEDEAO dans la miseen œuvre de la RGSS dans la région. Following him, the representative of the Delegation of the European Union in Niger, Mrs. Jamila El Assaïdi, congratulated the ECOWAS Commission for having developed a normative framework in line with best international practices in terms of reform and governance of the security sector. She explained that multilateral collaboration and regional coordination remain the essential foundation for an effective fight against insecurity and for development in the Sahel. It was the turn of Dr Isaac Armstrong, representative of the Regional Security Division of the ECOWAS Commission, to remind all participants of the objectives of the ECOWAS SSRG Policy Framework, which are the promotion of security standards in the region, supporting national initiatives and promoting regional security coordination and cooperation to effectively address new and emerging security challenges. Finally, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Niger, H.E. MHassoumi Massaoudou, affirmed his country's strong support for a strong ECOWAS community, and urged the Commission to explore all opportunities at its disposal to support national security sector reform processes within the ECOWAS community, with a view to strengthening peace and security in Member States. On this note, he declared open the workshop on reform and governance of the ECOWAS security sector.

For more information, contact:ECOWAS: Col Abdourahmane Dieng, Head of Regional Security Division; Directorate of Peacekeeping and Regional Security, ECOWAS CommissionEmail: or aresdieng@yahoo.frGIZ: Myriam WedraogoResponsible for the RGSS component, EPSAO project Email:


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