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Source of funds: 11th EDF (CRIS ref: 2017/040-390)

Decision date: 11/12/2017 (FA Signature date: 27/02/2018)

EU Contribution: 16,4 MEUR (+4 M EUR from Germany)

Implementation period: 2018 - 2022

Implementation modalities: EU MS Agency (GIZ)

Geographical Area: West Africa


The main objective of the EPSAO Project is to support the ECOWAS Commission in its mandate to prevent and

manage conflict and security threats in West Africa.

Expected results:

· Conclicts, such as those in Mali, with Boko Haram or crisis in Gambia are are solved through political

dialogue and appropriate strategies at regional level;

· There are no spill overs of conflicts from one member state to another;

· Terrorist activities have stopped in Macina and southward;

· ECOWAS Standby Force is fully operational.

Main activities:

· Strengthening ECOWAS’s mechanisms to promote and maintain peace and stability and post crisis


o Supporting needs-based training for ECOWAS Peace Operations;

o Supporting ECOWAS Standby Force exercises - Cooperation and partnership with Training

Centres of Excellence and Training Institutions to make the ECOWAS Standby Force fully


o Sustaining liaison, coordination and partnership with the African Union and other Regional

Economic Communities/ Regional Mechanisms.

· Enabling ECOWAS to prevent and manage erupting or existing conflicts

o Strengthening national early warning and response capacities;

o Strengthening the role of civil society in conflict prevention and peacebuilding;

o Enhancing ECOWAS early warning and mediation capacities;

o Strengthening the role of women in peace and security (UNSCR 1325, 2000);

o Supporing the ECOWAS Crisis Prevention Framework Enabling Mechanism.

· Contributing to the creation of a secure and safe post conflict environment

o Promoting implementation of the ECOWAS SSRG Policy Framework;

o Supporting for SSRG in The Gambia.

Main accomplishments:

· Convened regional and national multi stakeholder consultations in Abuja and Abidjan, engaging more

than 210 youth representatives from across West Africa over conversations on conflict prevention.



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