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The Resilience and Food Security Governance Improvement Project (PAGR-SANAD)

Project Background

The Project for Improving the Governance of Resilience, Food and Nutritional Security and Sustainable Agriculture in West Africa (PAGR-SANAD) is an inter-IGO and inter-State strategic cooperation project, which involves twelve (12) regional professional organizations within ROPPA. It is financed to the tune of 20.5 million euros by the European Union within the framework of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) for the benefit of the 17 countries of the ECOWAS, CILSS, UEMOA zone. Over a period of approximately 5 years, PAGR SANAD contributes to the effective implementation of regional policies and their implementation in the countries. It is designed to add value to regional and national public and private initiatives, and to increase the impact of resilience and SANAD actions on the populations most vulnerable to food insecurity and hunger. The West Africa and Sahel region still faces recurring problems of food and nutritional insecurity that affect millions of people every year, especially the most vulnerable and least resilient. The causes of food and nutritional insecurity are multiple, particularly structural (poverty, uncontrolled demography, gender inequalities, low investment in agriculture, etc.) and cyclical (droughts, floods, climate change , weak education, social and health protection systems, etc.). Faced with this situation, initiatives have been taken, such as the Global Alliance for Resilience in the Sahel and West Africa (AGIR) ( launched in 2012, the Common Agricultural Policy of the ECOWAS (ECOWAP +10) (link to the ECOWAS site) or the Charter for the Prevention and Management of Food Crises (PREGEC) ( Many results have been obtained, however, there are notable limits and weaknesses, particularly on the aspects of efficiency, viability, impact and especially the monitoring and evaluation of agricultural policies and programs and Food and Nutrition Security. Based on this observation, the project for Improving the Governance of Resilience, Food and Nutritional Security and Sustainable Agriculture in West Africa (PAGR-SANAD) was initiated in order to contribute to the improvement regional and national governance of agricultural policies and programs and food and nutrition security in West Africa and the Sahel in the context of resilience.


Technical and Financial Partners Financial Partners

EU – European Union

The European Union is funding the PAGR SANAD project under the 11th EDF to the tune of 20.5 million euros.Other SANAD actions are also funded by the EU through the Emergency Trust Fund and support from ECHO as well as other specific instruments.

Technical Partners The most active development partners at the regional level in the agriculture and SAN and Resilience sector include USAID (current leader of the ECOWAP Group and CPC/CILSS), AFD, GIZ, AECID, the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, organizations of the United Nations (FAO, WFP, UNICEF), and humanitarian actors including ECHO and NGOs. Some of these partners have specific resilience strategies and approaches (EU, USAID, FAO, World Bank, etc.). All these actors support both countries and regional organizations in the SANAD field. ECOWAS – Economic Commission of West African States ECOWAS is the contracting authority of the project as EDF Regional Authorizing Officer. It is involved in the project through its Department of Agriculture, Environment and Water Resources (DAERE) and the Regional Agency for Agriculture and Food (ARAA). Website WAEMU – West African Economic and Monetary Union WAEMU is involved in the project through its Department of Agriculture, Water Resources and the Environment (DAREN), in charge of implementing the Union's Agricultural Policy (PAU). Website: CILSS – Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel CILSS coordinates the implementation of the project through the Regional Project Coordination Unit. It is involved in the project through its Regional Food and Nutrition Security Support Program housed within the Executive Secretariat and the two specialized institutions (INSAH and AGRHYMET Regional Centre). At the organizational level, the Executive Secretariat has a mainly political mandate for the formulation of policies and strategies relating to food security, the environment, and the effects of the climate. Website: ROPPA – Network of Peasant Organizations and Producers of West Africa ROPPA is involved in the project as the leader of Regional Professional Organizations (RPOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Twelve Organizations are represented in the project. Website:


The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the governance of Food and Nutrition Security, Sustainable Agriculture in West Africa and the Sahel in order to ensure, in the face of economic and environmental risks, better access todiet and a better nutritional impact and to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable populations while promoting inclusive economic and social growth.Specifically, the project will aim to develop the capacities required within regional institutions to strengthen regional governance of food and nutrition security and agricultural policies – including gender equality – in the context ofResilience in West Africa with a view to achieving the objective "zero hunger by 2025.More information :


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